Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Nerds and Geeks, hidden love for Weeks...

The month of November brings many things to look forward to. The up and coming Spring Fashion lines, the cold weather to finally be able to break out those trenches and hats, and the Sadie Hawkins Dance. Nerds and Geeks? More like Drama Queens and Pimp's by the looks of things this year. We've all seen that wetted crystal can sing, which was exactly what Mitch Croghan had in mind Saturday night. Spotted: a drenched and frazzled Crystal Gleave at dinner after Mitch dumped an entire pitcher of water over the highlighted blonde. Classy Mitch. Couldn't even get as creative as a Nair-tini? Hate Crime? Or were things getting too heated with Crystal and Sadie's date Nolan Runia, that a jealous M felt the need to cool things off. Rumor has it Nolan has taken an interest in a girl over shopping for the first time this school year. After watching the OC together, and spending time at the football game Friday, this was billionaire boy's chance to finally be that Knight in shining armor. Rumor also has it the pair shared their first kiss a few weeks back. Watch out Crystal, after years of observing the best, Nolan's no amateur at playing the field. That same Friday, he was seen at lunch with Alisha Rogers, and later at dinner with Madeleine Pinegar. Three girls in one day? Props to you Lonely Boy, looks like observing the masters all these years has finally paid off.

Thing's heating up with C and N in the Timpview parking lot, yes thats her getting into the passengers seat. To one of Provo's infamous look out points perhaps?

You know you love me

Gossip Girl